Mississippi Anime Festival 2018

Instead of telling you about how I’m way behind on posting to this here blog, I’m going to go straight into what I’ve been up to as of late!

As some of you well may know, I’m not the hugest of Anime fans. Most of what I love are those well known anime-series of the nineties. So I was game to checkout the Mississippi Anime Festival a few weeks back in Jackson, MS to see what I had in fact been missing. I had my friend and co-worker Justin in tow to give me all the details.

Things I leaned. Waifu is a thing. Also weeboo and husbando are things. Kids these days!

waifu. Noun. (fandom slang) A fictional character from non-live-action visual media (typically an anime, manga, or video game) that one is attracted to and considers a significant other.

Not soon after I had arrived and started to take in the sights and sounds, my friend and co-host of Discussing Who and Discussing Comics — the Whostorian himself — Kyle Jones arrived! Kyle, Justin, and I continued to enjoy what we saw at the show, in particular the J Michael Tatum and Johnny Yong Bosh panels were pretty great.

I also cannot forget about our friends over at Dicejunkies who were hosting all the panels, to which they did an excellent job!

Enough reading, pictures!