Great Big Catch-up Post: Part 4 — Discussing Comics

It’s been quite some time since I’ve updated this here blog, but I won’t chalk it up to complete and utter incompetence, or even laziness. I’ve been quite busy over the last several months, including Doctor Who Series 10 coverage on the Discussing Who podcast, several conventions–Wholanta, Southern Geek Fest, and Mississippi Comic Con, new episodes and website re-launch of Techpedition, and even starting a new YouTube series called Discussing Comics on the Discussing Who YouTube channel.

Let’s talk Discussing Comics!

Following in the footsteps of the other team members at GRITS–Geek Recording In The South, Kyle and I decided to start a YouTube series called Discussing Comics. Out of all of the things I have talked about over the last few posts, this is the one that makes me the most nervous. Being in front of the camera–or crowds for that matter–is not really my thing, but Kyle and I decided to throw cation to the wind and give it a try. With each episode I can feel the nerves shed away just a little more, and it is slowly becoming what it was always supposed to be–two guys sitting around talking about comics. Check out the full playlist here and be sure to like and hit that subscribe button so you won’t miss an episode.

Discussing Comics Latest Episode

Also check-out:
Great Big Catch-up Post: Part 1 — Discussing Who
Great Big Catch-up Post: Part 2 — WHOlanta, Southern Geek Fest, Mississippi Comic Con
Great Big Catch-up Post: Part 3 — Techpedition Website Re-launch