Great Big Catch-up Post: Part 3 — Techpedition Website Re-launch

It’s been quite some time since I’ve updated this here blog, but I won’t chalk it up to complete and utter incompetence, or even laziness. I’ve been quite busy over the last several months, including Doctor Who Series 10 coverage on the Discussing Who podcast, several conventions–Wholanta, Southern Geek Fest, and Mississippi Comic Con, new episodes and website re-launch of Techpedition, and even starting a new YouTube series called Discussing Comics on the Discussing Who YouTube channel.

Let’s talk Techpedition!

Techpedition had a major website re-launch this year, and that has been taking most of my free-time—I mean, when I haven’t been podcasting or attending conventions. I started working on this website re-work last year sometime, and have been chipping away with it whenever I get a moment or two. The site is built on ReactJS, Facebook’s up and coming JavaScript library. It took a bit of work to get it to work nicely within he confines of a WordPress template, but I’m fairly happy with the results! A part of the main focus was to build a web application that uses some if not all of the current Progressive Web App features. In addition, a major focus was to make it easy to listen to our shows! Now listening is easy as a simple click on any page in which the play button is present. But that’s just the beginning. Stay tuned there is even more to come here!

Recent Techpedition Podcast Episodes

Also check-out:
Great Big Catch-up Post: Part 1 — Discussing Who
Great Big Catch-up Post: Part 2 — WHOlanta, Southern Geek Fest, Mississippi Comic Con
Great Big Catch-up Post: Part 4 — Discussing Comics

LinkDump 10.21.10

  • He-Man’s back! …sorta
    This Argentinian Visa commercial is sure to fulfill your nostalgic He-Man dreams. A must see for He-Man fans everywhere. Yay ’80s!
  • Netflix goes disc-less across all consoles.

    Finally the stupidity of needing a disc to enjoy Netflix goodness is over for Playstion 3 and Nintendo Wii owners. Firmware updates are abound to enjoy the streaming service natively.
  • Verizon iPad, October 28th

    Apple iPad will soon be available on Verizon. An although native 3G is not supported yet (sold with a Mi-Fi device), this looks to be a precursor to the inevitableness of the iPhone showing up on the carrier.
  • Skype meet Facebook

    With Facebook integration running rabid, this isn’t much of a surprise. With the latest version of Skype on Windows, there is now Facebook contact integration.
  • Spider-Man reboot equals Lizard?

    Rumors are everywhere and it looks like they are pointing to the new Spider-Man reboot having Dr. Conners being portrayed by Rhys Ifans with Lizard being the main antagonist.