LinkDump 10.21.10

  • He-Man’s back! …sorta
    This Argentinian Visa commercial is sure to fulfill your nostalgic He-Man dreams. A must see for He-Man fans everywhere. Yay ’80s!
  • Netflix goes disc-less across all consoles.

    Finally the stupidity of needing a disc to enjoy Netflix goodness is over for Playstion 3 and Nintendo Wii owners. Firmware updates are abound to enjoy the streaming service natively.
  • Verizon iPad, October 28th

    Apple iPad will soon be available on Verizon. An although native 3G is not supported yet (sold with a Mi-Fi device), this looks to be a precursor to the inevitableness of the iPhone showing up on the carrier.
  • Skype meet Facebook

    With Facebook integration running rabid, this isn’t much of a surprise. With the latest version of Skype on Windows, there is now Facebook contact integration.
  • Spider-Man reboot equals Lizard?

    Rumors are everywhere and it looks like they are pointing to the new Spider-Man reboot having Dr. Conners being portrayed by Rhys Ifans with Lizard being the main antagonist.